Lecture room 3

Seminar of the IFK & IFTO institutes

Fridays, 2:15 pm till 3:15 pm - Lecture Hall 2, Helmholtzweg 5
Lecture room 3
Image: Carsten Ronning

We invite every semester high-ranked scientists to our institute seminar, where they report on their research in solid state physics, nano photonics and/or quantum technology. The talks are typically 45 minutes long followed by a 15 minutes discussion. Note, dates and titles are sometimes announced on short notice (tba = to be announced).

Summer Semester 2024

The institute seminar will be hosted together with the Institute of Solid State Theory and Optics (IFTO) and we start at 14:15 Uhr in lecture room 2 (Helmholtzweg 5)! No video option, please show up in person, as Social Friday takes place after the seminar with free drinks. 

Date Speaker Title Host
26.04.24 Dr. Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton
(KIT, Karlsruhe)
Computing The Optical Response Of Molecular Materials:
From Nano To Device Scalespdf, 129 kb · de
Prof. Dr. Sabine Maier
(FAU Erlangen)
Bottom-up Fabrication and Electronic Properties of Molecular Networks and 2D Transition Metal Halides on Surfaces Fritz


Prof. Dr. Martin Dressel (Universität Stuttgart) Dielectric Catastrophe at the Mott transition Fritz


Dr. Sébastien Pezzagna
(U Leipzig)
Creation, engineering and applications of spin centres in diamond Ronning
14.06.24 Dr. Fabian Mooshammer
(U Regensburg)
Nonlinear and waveguide optics in rhomohedral-stacked transition metal dichalcogenidespdf, 56 kb · de Klimmer
21.06.24 Prof. Prasana K Sahoo
(IIT Kharagpur and currently Visiting Professor at EPFL)
Exotic 2D Lateral Heterostructures and Optoelectronic Devices Soavi
28.06.24 Dr. Federico Mazzola 
(Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
Hide and seek in the electron's worldpdf, 187 kb · de Soavi


Winter Semester 2024/25

The institute seminar will be hosted together with the Institute of Solid State Theory and Optics (IFTO) and we start at 14:15 Uhr!No video option, please show up in person, as Social Friday takes place after the seminar with free drinks. 

Date Speaker Title Host
(HS1, Max-Wien-PLatz 1) 
  Special Collouqium on 
"Theoretical Optics"
08.11.24 Prof. Dr. Philip Willke
(KIT, Karlsruhe)
tba Fritz




Prof. Sangam Chatterjee 
(U Giessen)
tba Ronning



The schedules of the past semesters are avilable below.

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Insitutsseminare der vergangenen Semester